Can I drink Amino Acids with Milk? Beet Juice Powder vs. Beet Juice Coffee, Why Doesn't FUNDAMINOS have Histidine? MLP FORMULARY Success Story? ASK DR. COHEN #8
Welcome to the Ask Dr. Cohen series, part #8!
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Can I drink FUNDAMINOS amino acids with milk?
Yes, if you prefer the taste of FUNDAMINOS in milk, yes you can but keep in mind this is not an optimal way to quickly absorb the amino acids. Better also to take FUNDAMINOS with a lower fat and lower protein content milk, such as almond milk.
Should I use PURECLEAN BEET juice powder or UNBEETABREW, I am not sure because they both have the same beet juice powder product in them?
Thanks for the great question! It all depends on what your goals are. I use UNBEETABREW prior to physical activity for a more potent boost than the PCBEET powder, and also use a capsule of PEAK ATP for an even extra boost with UNBEETABREW when I need it. However, if you are looking for more nitrates to support blood pressure and cardiovascular health and would like to add the beet juice powder later in the day that would be a boost idea as well for PCBEET use.
Why does FUNDAMINOS not have histidine since this is an essential amino acid?
Good question!
We formulated FUNDAMINOS over 12 years ago following the patented formula of MAP.
Our in house data showed 98% utilization vs 33% for whey protein and optimization of serum amino acids.
MAP and FundAminos does not include histidine as it is a semi-essential amino acid that adults produce in adequate amounts. Histidine is also a precursor of histamine as well, which can be a problem for many people these days. Histidine is extremally easy to get from the average diet as well and is something one is very rare to be deficient in. Therefore, and to also be sure to avoid imbalances in your diet, we do not include histidine in FUNDAMINOS.
We are on our 8th flavor modification over the years and it is actually quite good tasting for amino acids and the organic berry and botanicals enhance the effects. Fundaminos is a physician's approach to metabolic health and how protein and amino acids fit into an overall health plan for maintaining skeletal mass. People should not be afraid of protein as an aging deterrent as long as key markers are being achieved.
Is it better to avoid sugar or fat in a diet?
In terms of health and performance it is better to avoid sugar. When you eat sugar, insulin spikes are the main concern to start. These are toxic and very inflammatory to the body, let alone a cause for weight/fat gain and metabolic disease. Fat however, if it comes from conventional sources, it worse for you than sugar in the long term. Fat is very hard to "flush out". When you eat unhealthy fats, they become apart of your body, all your cells, cell membranes, muscles, brain, and more use this fat to build the body. Some fats, like trans-facts have even been shown to stay inside the body for years after a single consumption. This is why, if given a choice. I would choose to eat sugar then exercise it off vs. eat bad fats. Keep this in mind next time you eat a food, did you know what fat it was cooked in? It's easy to spot sugar, but even harder to know the quality of the fat you are eating in this world if you don't ask or cook yourself. Assume the worst, even at fancy or expensive restaurants, because they are just so common.
Another success story from the MLP Formulary? (Answered by happy client)
I’m sharing w you breakthrough information about a product that I’ve been taking for two weeks. Go to purecleanperformance.com and see all of Dr Rick and Jackie Cohen’s line of products. Be sure to read the story about Rick’s Ukrainian grandmother!
Click the MLP to see the first supplement that I’ve taken from the lineup up to now. Copper!
My story is that for the past 5 to 7 years I’ve been waking up w intense neck pain. Every morning I would lay on a roll for 1/2 hour to stretch out my neck and back to ease the pain. Suddenly I woke up 5 days ago w no pain. I used my roll but there was no reason to as there was nothing to remedy! The only change that I’ve made is taking the copper.
So to enhance my wellness journey next week I’m doing my blood test to see where I am metabolically. I’m very excited to enhance my level of energy and vitality even more with their amazing whole food products. I don’t even call them supplements as they are Whole Foods and minerals. These products will be a part of my new nutritional protocol.
Do listen to this podcast featuring Dr Rick Cohen! Some of it is with very medical terminology. However I got a lot from the brilliant minds sharing their information! I think that you will as well!
See you on the other side of life! On the road to increased vitality and longevity!!
Carole Biro
Waves of Light
Healing Practitioner
The Highest Bar. Life Elevated. PureClean Performance