How to Free Your Health (Like a Crazy Rebel)
There is a lot of talk about freedom nowadays, but no too much about health freedom or freeing your health.
So what does freedom mean when it comes to your health? What IS health freedom?
The concept is a lot more complicated than it seems but, in short, health freedom is the act of breaking ALL the health hurting chains on you know that you are born into, develop on your own, or that you are forced into through confusion, literal force and/or lies keeping you from achieving perfect health.
Health freedom occurs in our modern world by freeing your health from yourself and the most dominating political and social interests, influences, methodologies, and built-in conditions of the world you cannot change that hold you bound. Health freedom can be achieved alone, but it is best done with a group of people. When you free your health, you are also practicing self mastery and connecting to the greater law and conditions of the universe that are proven all-natural and "good".
NOTE: Without risk, there is no freedom. But don't fear! The secret for ALL great things worth living for and having in your life always includes taking on some risk (for example, a risk of becoming an outcast, a risk of being wrong, a risk of losing money and time, a risk of failure, a risk of pain and discomfort, a risk of loss, and on on)!
The formula for greatness: RISK + DETERMINATION + SKILL = GREATNESS
With that said, let's now quickly learn the 10 step process on how to free your health to achieve that greatness, that peak experience of life now and forever we all deserve. The process is going to take much longer then reading this article but if you are feeling stuck, distracted, let down, low on energy. Or are going in circles trying to fight your way out of a health hole you just can't seem to get out of. If you are stuck on the hamster wheel, craving, thirsting for the simple knowledge to make your health goals come true. Let us go as there is no time for you to waste, those chains won't break themselves!
It is rich of propaganda, wastes of times, and make people dumb and not able to think for themselves, especially when it comes to health. Rebel against the chains that you feel. Everything is simple, from winning millions on the stock market, to building an awesome house, to growing your own food, to making your life better, you just need the insider info to piece it all together. The problem is you are never going to find that insider info in the masses, it's usually hidden away from public eye and reserved for an elite few, for those extremally intelligent and bright individual thinkers that figure it out themselves, or for those that spend their entire life to get it but by then it is too late. Does that mean you can't have it? No, hopefully you are starting to get the gist of it now, simply listen to the right "music" in life and it will come. There is way too much shit out there for anyone's brain to process anyway, info OVERLOAD is real and daily, it makes us venerable apathetic and even more lazy this info overload; it is not natural. Tune out to info overload and tune in to what and how you want to achieve it, that's when you can make a true learning, and all for free and without anyone's help by the way.
This relates back to step #2. Question also everything you have ever learned, do, or currently know as wrong or not the best or correct. Remember doctors recommended smoking as healthy, enough said. Where do doctors get their information and education from? If you understand all history repeats itself, you will be okay. The more local the better as with mass control and power comes monoculture and modern day digitally orchestrated world plus, as just mentioned, control of knowledge is now being held by select entities and dished out to the people in a system that benefits rights back those who control the power and hide or try to block you from seeing the secrets to freedom. Knowledge is the real power, but people have no power as they are not taught real healthful knowledge in most cases. Does health and power and money go together? If you look at the body images and faces of the most powerful, rich, and successful people on our planet, the answer would say not really.
The best teacher is to fail and learn from failing. Later on, seek a support system. The man that can do the most on his own will be the one who can survive most likely, as horrible and dire as that sounds, it is still true. Self-sufficiency, more so as a practice, however, teaches the right things, the natural ways to exist and how to sustainably take care of health. Once again, we do need groups and communities to succeed in the long run, one person cannot know or do anything.
The hardest part is to now know what to read, study, and teach. Understand what you do has an equal and opposite reaction. There are basicc health truths that follow this law that are simple and easy to follow. And even better, most all of us know them already, or at least feel them. If you are in doubt, the best place to look is nowhere. Induvial connections and alternatives sources of non-mainstream information are suggested, especially those that only exist in closed email groups. Don't let the basic truths of health be confused by others, anyone can say no and do nothing. In the modern world, saying no is the greatest power to bring about truth.
You have now become someone who is different or even an outcast because you now realize the world you live in imprisons people for the benefit of a few elite and destroys their health and lives for profit and the control of resources. Lack of action equates more loss of freedom and bigger chains. The health system is profit or quality, people selling shit to other people. You break out of your health chains looking for a the right solution to your goals and pains.
The first step out of your chains is to start taking on what you think is now tons of risk. Humans tend to do nothing or not change or push the limit because of their head and psychology when they fear for their safety. In your chains, you didn't have any risk because all the info and education you received were to keep you "safe". Humans would rather sleep in a pit of deadly snakes than sleep in a pit of soft rabbits (for example) because the risk of change is greater to the uneducated and confused mind than the better solution. When you can be confident and feel in your heart the real goodness in a risky situation, you are now unstoppable. You have a choice, to be comfortable, happy, fat, and then get sick and die from loss of life energy, vitality, and modern man made disease from living these unnatural ways, from becoming unnatural people, or to be free and use everything you got to be the best you can be.
The world will want to pull you back into the pits of suffering. If you look back, you are not looking forward. Look for the opportunities and practice opportunistic things everyday; when it comes to health, this is done mostly by making the simple and easy choices and by making good health lifestyle and thinking habits. This is not to say the world is not moving forward, because it is in many ways. People are healthier, living longer, and able to live in a way with ease and comfort many would have killed for in the past.
Being free is not easy! Freedom is glorified as is like heaven. Freedom is the hardest thing on the planet, folks. But it is also the most regarding so it is important to never give up. Remember why you are doing this and be proud you broke the chains.
You must adapt/change/be open to change or doing something different or uncomfortable at all times or die. All living things have needed to do this. Once again, lack of education, motivation, and time are the greatest enemies and humans have less and less of this today. In the modern world due to humans already having everything they also could ever want and need at their fingers at all times, we are becoming less and less educated and kind of "devolving" real-time as we simply do not have to be something anymore that needs at all times to fight to survive, we have gotten comfortable and lazy but at the price of losing more freedom.
The formula for greatness: RISK + DETERMINATION + SKILL = GREATNESS
Risk is the most important, it is prerequisite and always has been, from catching dinner from millions of years to going to the moon. Determination is second most important as it does not matter how skilled you are if you do do the hard things. Skills is final as you obviously need to have the skills to make the greatness happen, and by skills I mean trained knowledge and wisdom, that of both mind and body.
The key to freedom of health and freeing your health in this crazy world is to have a system, a flow as it were, that makes life simple, complete, and easy. Look around you for clues on how to build your own or just join one when you know the time is right! Things look hard when you don't know the answers or the small details.
Freedom allows you to make it your way, anytime and anywhere. Freedom is power, if you have a goal, let it make your way great. Make 1 goal, keep it simple, but don't let freedom turn your body and mind into fly bouncing off the walls, be like, as Bruce Lee says, water (from a fire hose to a calm lake).
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