Help prevent acne, weight gain, & diabetes (1 weird trick)
Acne, weight gain, diabetes, and many more chronic health problems are directly linked to eating too much sugar.
So, next time you’ve got a sweetness craving that won’t go away, eat something bitter to keep your health on track!
This weird trick works because bitter foods shut down the “sugar craving receptors” inside the brain by stimulating the release of the appetite controlling hormones, PYY and GLP-1.
Bitter foods are also known to positively regulate blood glucose by slowing the absorption of sugars down inside the body; they can help improve digestion, too!
Try some of the foods from the list below to help kill a sugar craving. You don’t even need to eat a lot, one or two bites (even just a taste) can be enough:
Swedish Bitters
Apple Cider Vinegar
Ginger Slices
Sharp Cheese (like blue or swiss)
Smoked Salmon
If you’re really desperate, try a raw scallion or another bitter, raw veggie.
You can also try these sour foods.
P.S. Unusual, heavy sugar cravings along with fatigue is a sign of overtraining and excessive stress. If you are experiencing these symptoms, check out this article for information on overtraining and how to fix it!