Goat Whey Protein vs. Cow Whey Protein
What's the difference between goat whey protein and cow whey protein? They are both dairy after all, correct? The key difference, and why you should care, is that goat protein offers slightly more nutrition and significantly better absorption and digestive comfort. However, since cow and whey protein do not contain collagen, they are not complete sources of protein. A better protein powder option, therefore, is one that contains all the nutrition and digestive support as goat protein plus the collagen support. This protein powder is called PureClean Protein and it is not made from milk but from hydrolyzed beef protein isolate, which makes is also hypoallergenic and even quicker, better absorbed.
For some reason, Americans are only just starting to get comfortable with goat's milk and its products. Cows rule the dairy landscape here.
Increasingly, however, goat’s milk, cheese and even whey are becoming common. Seeing that, you might wonder: What's the difference? How does goat whey protein compare to the traditional cow whey protein?
The Similarities
First, let's start with what makes them similar products.
Of course, the process that creates them is the same: Milk (from a cow or goat or whatever) is heated or otherwise curdled. The solid curds are then skimmed off the top and – like magic – whey appears.
At this point, however, the whey is liquid and must be powdered before it gets to the tub. This process is the same regardless what animal the milk came from.
And, in large part, goat whey protein is nutritionally similar to that derived from cows – meaning that it packs plenty of complete protein. This makes goat whey just as useful for muscle building and weight loss as that derived from cow's milk.
The Differences
To a large extent, the whey of goats and cows is pretty similar when you get down to the nutrition of it.
Cow's milk does contain a little less fat but it also has more sugar and less protein – but these numbers are so close that they may actually reverse depending on where and how the whey is processed. It's important to realize, too, that goat's milk is higher in vitamin A, calcium, potassium and magnesium – and these numbers are consistent.
Perhaps the biggest – and most important advantage – that goat whey protein has over whey from cow’s milk has to do with digestion. For one thing, goat's milk is lower in lactose and is therefore more easily tolerated by many people.
If you have trouble with lactose but still want whey protein, you can check out a whey protein isolate powder, like our Clear Naked Whey which is 100% lactose-free.
But research has found that goat whey forms smaller clumps in your stomach that the cow-based alternative, making it pass through the digestive tract easier and with less... discomfort.
Interestingly, goat whey protein is also rich in a dietary fiber called oligosaccharides which act as prebiotics – substances that support the growth of health bacteria in your gut. This means that goat whey can actually help to build an environment in which all of your food is more easily digested.
Which One?
So, then, which is better? It's actually a pretty close tie. When it comes to protein, fat and carbohydrates by cow and goat whey protein are excellent sources. But goat’s milk does offer slightly more micronutrients with a reduced chance of allergies and negative digestive effects.
Is there an even better protein powder option?
Yes, there is one!
25 grams of protein, 15 grams of collagen and full-spectrum EAAs and BCAAs per serving for improved energy, strength, lean muscle, immunity, and healthier skin and connective tissue.
All nutrients are freshly extracted, isolated and then hydrolyzed by high-tech equipment in a state-of-the-art protein powder production facility for elite absorption, flavor and taste.
97% protein content per scoop! 💥 Absolutely no nutrition left on the table. Hands down the new protein powder industry gold standard.
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• Want a true Paleo protein source
• Want the power of beef to build muscle, cartilage and ligaments
• Are dairy sensitive4
PureClean Protein™ contains over 97% protein and is ideal for those on a Paleo diet or anyone who wants the unique protein profile that comes only from beef. Its protein source, HydroBEEF™, contains critical nutrients that are naturally found in beef, including a significant amount of collagen-specific amino acids, along with various minerals and vitamins such as the fat soluble vitamins A and D, as well as natural forms of the B vitamins. It has an impressive protein nitrogen score of 101.5, which indicates high protein usability.
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