(Solved) Most Common Weight & Fat Loss Questions
Losing unwanted weight and fat is, in fact, very possible. How? Because, with the right information, it’s easy to see that the problems and solutions are (most of the time) very simple. But, lack of knowledge is usually not the problem standing in the way of weight and fat loss success, most of the time, it’s actually following through and not giving up on what we know works.
What are the best ways to lose weight?
1. Eat more protein (many metabolic benefits). 2. Be more physically active (shoot for 2hrs. per day). 3. Eat less sugar and simple carbs (like wheat bread). 4. Eat more healthy fats (like omega 3). 5. Eat less junk food. 6. Sunbathe (Vitamin D improves metabolism). 7. Sleep 8 hours (chronic fatigue blocks weight loss) 8. Take a sauna (burns calories passively). 9. Do high intensity interval training (sprints are great). 10. Minimize stress (chronic stress blocks weight loss). 11. Avoid soy (disrupts hormones and the thyroid gland).
What is the best weight loss diet?
A diet high in protein, high in healthy fats (like omega 3), and low in simple carbs, sugars, and processed oils is a great place to start. This diet curbs hunger and helps you passively lose weight while improving your body composition.
NOTE: Be more concerned with the nutrient quality of what you’re eating, not actually how many calories it has. You can also look more into paleo & Mediterranean diets.
What are some tips for easy weight loss?
Start with sleep! Chronic lack of sleep is one of, if not, the biggest weight and fat loss blocker. It increases appetite, causes cravings, promotes fat storage, hinders recovery and energy, decreases exercise motivation, and is just downright unhealthy. Proper sleep must be a foundation if any weight or fat loss program is to succeed.
How do you lose belly fat? Without exercise?
1. Don’t eat sugars and simple carbs. 2. Avoid corn syrup and soft drinks. 3. Do not drink alcohol, especially beer. 4. Eat less wheat bread (known as wheat belly). 5. Nutrient-rich bone broths (filling with fewer calories). 6. Supplement with amino acids, fiber, probiotics, and B vitamins. 7. Drink enough water. 8. Eat slower (curbs appetite). 9. Assess hormonal imbalances and body toxicity (especially heavy metals). 10. Hot and/or hydrotherapy (sauna and cold baths).
Is keeping carbs low the key to weight loss?
It is less about the carbs and more about the total glycemic load (blood sugar response). Simple carbs (like white bread) cause a huge, unneeded blood sugar spike and the sugar gets deposited into the fat cells of the body causing weight gain. Complex carbs (like root veggies) add a small amount of sugar into the bloodstream that the body can actually use for fuel and not store as fat. Always eat protein before carbs: it lowers blood sugar and weight!
6. How do I lose weight quickly?
Losing weight quickly is never a good idea and such ideas can cause a weight gain rebound and are harmful to health. The better question to ask is: how do I lose weight at a sustainable pace plus keep it off? The solution is to slowly substitute counterproductive lifestyle habits for productive lifestyle habits. For example, take the stairs (not the elevator), eat gluten free bread (not wheat bread), or make a healthy meal at home instead of ordering pizza.
Checkout this great tasting, hunger blunting, superfood powder for weight loss: https://purecleanperformance.com/collections/products-show/products/chocoberry-blast