No Gym Workouts for Fast Physical Fitness
1. HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
HIIT workouts should be intense and short. They boost aerobic capacity, burn fat/weight, and improve strength and endurance.
Try a Sprint 8! It’s 30-40 secs ON, 1:20-1:40 secs OFF. Total 8 times ON.
Try a Tabata: 20 secs ON, 10 secs OFF. Total 16 times ON.
For the ON intervals, pick full body exercises (or cardio equipment). Squats, jumps, sprints, shuttle runs, burpees, & swimming are no gym exercises.
For the OFF intervals, take part in active rest (i.e. do not stand still).
Want to try a 40 sec HIIT workout? Then look into Carol Bike.
2. Blood Flow Resistance training (BFR)
BFR allows you to train at 30% of your 1RM to improve peak power, strength, & aerobic capacity. You can do your normal gym exercises with weight/equipment you make around the house or with just body weight! BFR "tricks" your body into believing
that it's doing more work than it actually is. BFR should only be done in the absence of any contraindications and always under professional supervision.
3. Sprints & Plyometrics
Sprints and jumps rapidly build muscle power, quickness, and size. Try short uphill sprints (10-20yds) and box jumps to start. As the body adapts, you may want to increase intensity, distance, and exercise difficulty. Working with space and equipment you have to move around the house and neighborhood can be helpful. Participate in basic strength and aerobic training before attempting splints.
4. Have fun!
Play, explore, and have fun for fast physical fitness. Take a hike, go kayaking, cycle around town, go fly fishing, skiing, and more! Staying on your feet and moving should never be underestimated for fast physical fitness.
NOTE: 80% of your body composition is determined by what you eat. No fitness program is complete without a healthy, balanced diet. Preferably low in processed foods and high in protein, healthy fats, and organic, whole foods.
5. Manual Labor
Nothing beats chopping firewood or shoveling snow for fast fitness, right? At 180 lbs., chopping wood burns 1,500 calories per hour and shoveling snow 1,000 calories per hour.
P.S. Grab a TRX, looped bands, and a yoga mat to make fitness time more fun and interesting!
P.P.S. Get fit even faster with our clinically proven, science-backed supplements!
This video is intended for educational purposes only, please consult your physician before starting a new exercise program.