Random Health and Fitness Tips (2)
1. Tulsi Tea is made from antioxidant-rich Holy Basil herb. Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine use Tulsi to support the immune system, general wellness, and digestive, respiratory, and skin health.
2. Simple bath soak recipe for recovery and mood boost: 104 f water, 1tbsp Coconut Oil, 20 drops of Lavender Essential Oil, 1 cup Magnesium Flakes.
3. All detox diets should be low sugar diets. Before you do a detox of any kind, detox your house first.
4. NAC fights against free radicals released from a variety of toxins and can help clear mucus from the upper and lower airways.
5. The best digestive enzymes are always whole food based, like papayazyme.
6. 7 million people die from air pollution each year, 99% of all humans breathe air that exceeds CDC healthy air guidelines everyday.
7. Sugar, toxins, artificial sweeteners, processed vegetable oils, trans-fats, low quality meat, refined carbs, and alcohol can all increase inflammation.
8. Try a Chinese footbath to warm or cool your entire body and more by just soaking your feet.
9. Scented laundry exhaust gas is extremely toxic, and so is scented laundry. Many are used with cancer-causing and health damaging chemicals.
10. MCT oil can improve gut health.
11. Self-care and relaxation are more important than exercise for health and fitness.
12. Lack of sleep, excessive cardio, and lack of strength training are three things that can "slow down metabolism".
13. Elderberries are high in immune supporting nutrients; so too are other fruits and veggies that very colorful.
14. All types of strength training benefit bone health.
15. Traveling internationally, while it may be stressful at times, is very good for you health.
16. Oils high in omega 6 increase body inflammation.
17. Before your incorporate sprint training into your fitness program, develop the needed strength to run and learn actually how to sprint correctly. You can get hurt without a proper foundation before sprinting.
18. Train lighter when your body is under greater amounts stress. Pushing hard won't get you out of the hole, it will just put you deeper into it.
19. Going 16 hours without eating meals (easiest if done including sleep time) promotes longevity and health.
20. Lifting in a fasted state may improve post-workout meal anabolic response.
21. Coconut mana is a very simple keto snack you can eat straight out of the jar.
22. Try a coffee nap.
23. Plant-based protein is the slowest and most difficult to digest and absorb protein.
24. If you must, consume alcohol earlier in the evening so your body has time to metabolize the toxins before going to bed. Ending your drinking earlier in the evening will also help reduce a hangover.
25. Dancing is a very good strength, power, and cardio workout in one.