Seven Reasons Why You Should Take A Nutritional Supplement
While maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for overall health, there are instances where taking a nutritional supplement can be beneficial. Nutritional supplements can help fill in nutrient gaps, support specific health goals, cater to individual dietary restrictions, and provide additional nutrients that might be lacking in one's diet. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian before starting any new supplement to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your individual needs.
Over the past few decades, many factors have contributed to the drastic decline in the overall quality of our food supply. Here are just a few to consider:
Soil depletion has reduced the nutrient content of the foods grown in it. In many areas of the world—especially the United States—the land has been over farmed. This is also a contributing factor to the imbalance of iron, copper, and magnesium in the human body.
Modern fertilizers are chemically toxic and fail to replenish the earth with fundamental trace elements. Less than a hundred years ago, manures were used extensively for fertilizer. Today, artificial superphosphate alternatives have all but replaced them. Superphosphates act more as a growth stimulant that a soil builder; they are devoid of any of the trace elements found in manure. Their rampant use has furthered the nutrient decline in soils and the crops they produce.
Hybrid crops produce lower nutrient foods. And unfortunately, they are currently grown everywhere, even on organic farms. They yield more food per acre, but produce foods with a significantly lower nutrient content than those our grandparents ate and grew.
Pesticides and herbicides can damage or even destroy these necessary microorganisms, reducing the nutrient density of crops. To produce nutrient-rich foods, plants must be grown in soils high in healthy microorganisms. It doesn’t matter how many times you wash a piece of sprayed produce; the toxic, chemical residues will remain inside the food itself. Many pesticides contain deadly chemicals (the same ones used for biological warfare during World War II) that severely tax the human body. Some contain lead, arsenic and other toxic metals. Our current laws allow sewage and even factory sludge to be sold as fertilizers, even if they contain significant quantities of toxic metals.
The long-distance transportation of foods reduces their nutrient status. As soon as a crop is harvested, its nutrient content begins to diminish. Today, many foods are grown thousands of miles from where they are sold. Some may spend more than a week on a truck or train before they reach you.
Food processing drastically reduces nutrient content. The refining of wheat to make white flour, for example, removes 80% of its magnesium, 75% of its zinc, 87% of its chromium, 88% of its manganese and 50% of its cobalt.
Food additives further deplete nutrients. Thousands of artificial flavors, colors, stabilizers and preservatives are added to most processed foods. Most of these are toxic, depleting the body of vital nutrients when they are ingested.
BONUS: Nutritional supplements, such as those found on, derived from wholefood sources and that are carefully processed to provide more concentrated nutrition per gram are also great choices to super boost your macro and micro nutrient status quickly and for a great value; for example, like FundAminos.
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