The Health Secrets of Indian Long Back Pepper
Ancient wisdom from all over the world tells us that eating and drinking bitter things makes us stronger, and it's no exception with the Indian Long Black Pepper. Along with black seed oil, the Indian long black pepper is a very underrated and very little known about superfood.
To start, it needs to be grown outside in warm and humid climates, like India and south Florida, but it can also be grown indoors year-round anywhere. The fruit of the plant is what is picked (taken when green and dried until black) and used (sometimes the roots as well) for primarily flavoring and spicing many different types of savory dishes, like curry.
These little black nuggets of health gold are packed with many desirable nutrients, chemicals and compounds, like the humulene terpene (anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, anti-bacterial, appetite suppressant) and piperine (improves nutrient absorption, is a decongestant, helps fight allergies).
It's got tons general benefits: weight loss, blood sugar regulation, GI health, pain relief, respiratory infection symptom treater, metabolism booster, and more!
It's recommended to consume the Indian long black pepper either infused or crushed with/on top of food. It's very unpleasant to eat raw, but this can be done if you don't mind a bitter fire inside your mouth. Please note this pepper is very strong and may not be suitable for those with sensitive stomachs.
Start slow with your dosing and begin with 1/2 of a tablespoon per day, work up to 1 to 2 tablespoons per day if all is well.
Fun fact: this pepper is used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to treat just about every health problem there is; it's even a highlight ingredient of bhang, an edible paste used in various Indian spiritual ceremonies.
So, what do you think, going to give this Indian long black pepper a try?