An interesting guest post for our newsletter this week from a long time customer of ours. What do you think?
Here’s our take away. Start by highly questioning advice and information from large for profit corporate and political organizations pushing you to go out of your way to make change for “your own good”. Words and advice are theory, trust what is real. Highly question “template health advice”. Do no harm to yourself first; just don't do rather than do when in doubt. Voting for health with your dollars is great! But vote for health justice and change by just simply first questioning what initially seems easier, better or cheaper to do; is there a deeper later price to pay? If health is too expensive, then do it yourself, grow a garden, plant some seed, be smart and find the manageable options and opportunities (they are already out there), take small steps, find a community and support system with the similar goals you have, and don't give up...
"Where do I go for sound nutritional advice?" With all the crazy diet plans and confusing advice circulating the Internet (and elsewhere), this is a good question.
First, here is where you should not go:
- The Food Disinformation Administration (FDA). They have been found wrong about most things, from the Food Pyramid to the "safe and effective" spike protein jab, which is unsafe and ineffective.
- The Censorship and Disinformation Centers (CDC). They have been suspect from guns being "a disease" to Covid-19 being a "deadly pandemic".
- Most standard medical doctor. They get almost zero real training in health care and preventing sickness, because real health care reduces the need for their services. Sound nutrition is the foundation of health care.
- Most standard dieticians. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is funded largely by Big Junkfood, Big Agra, and Big Pharma.
A good place to go for advice is your local produce department. Not to ask for it, but to see it. Any fruit or vegetable you find there is sound nutrition. It's all whole food, and it's all nutrient dense. Get a variety of items from there, at least a dozen different vegetables and a few different fruits. You will need more than what's in the produce department (beans, for example), but if you make it 80% of what you take home to eat you have just acted on very sound nutritional advice.
"Yes, but I need to lose weight". Ah, that old refrain. It's code for "Put me on some whacky, unsafe diet so I get the illusion of correcting my poor dietary habits." Don't fall for those diets; they are unhealthy and unsustainable, and once you quit you'll become even fatter. No matter how low you want to drive your body fat level, you must start with a sound nutritional foundation. While nearly any fruit, meat, or vegetable tastes great eaten raw, cooked and/or whole, you can make superb meals if you understand various ways to prepare and season them.
"What oils are good? The FDA recommends safflower oil and canola oil." Of course they do! These oils are highly damaging to the human body. Their lipids are shredded, which means they have lots of sharp hooks. Guess what happens when you shred brain cells with these oils? You get scar tissue, and we call that amyloid plaque. In other words, these oils are seen to cause (among other things) Alzheimer's. Don't ever consume any seed oil or any "vegetable oil" (typically corn oil). Check your pet's food labels for these poisons, also. Look for oils that are extracted at a temperature below their smokepoint (all seed oils fail this test). Note that nut oils are not seed oils, so don't confuse the two. Olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, walnut oil, and pecan oil are all good oils. Expensive, yes. But far less costly overall than the poisons that are immorally marketed as human-consumable oils.
A note on olive oil. It's often cut with linoleic acid which is toxic to humans. Bottles of it will often say "Mild flavor" as way of giving them cover for contaminating the oil. Don't buy any oil so marked. Good olive oil will have a strong smell and strong flavor. If you open a bottle (that doesn't say "Mild flavor" on it) and it has a mild taste, take it back to the store and tell them it's not real olive oil and it's clearly been cut with linoleic acid. If they give you a refund, fine. If not, fine. Then write to their corporate office and explain that their customers trust them not to sell counterfeit products and this particular brand is counterfeit. If that oil is still there two weeks later and you've found a brand you do like then write to the corporate headquarters of the good brand and fill them in. They will likely put pressure on the store to remove the counterfeit brand. This kind of action is how we clean up our food supply. If we don't do it, nobody will.