Buying Fake Supplements on Amazon
Amazon rarely requires proof of a certificate of authenticity to list and sell products on their platform. And while they incentivize brands to trademark register, they don’t require it. That means that anyone can open up a store, create a product, create a label, and sell it.
Even worse, our research shows that many "legit" products contain only a window dressing amount of active ingredients that, when summed up, will do nothing for you.
How can they get away with this? As long as there is something proven about the ingredient they use, they can actually make any claim about their product they want as long as it relates back to that ingredient. This isn't such a good thing because...
They are not legally required to support their claim based on the QUANTITY of the ingredients they choose! READ THIS AGAIN!
So it’s like being allowed to say one peanut is enough of a meal for an elephant, that a few steps is a mile, or a few drops of water will quench immense thirst.
Sure, many products may quote credible research, rave about the “targeted” benefits, and include “expert” testimonials, at the end of the day, it’s all a massive fake if they don’t include enough active ingredients to do you any good.
Sadly, many people buy fake supplements because they put their "trust" in the wrong place, get faked by advertising, and/or because they do not have the knowledge, experience or time to know what is actually a real, effective supplement.
And that's why 1,000,000s have bought fake supplements on amazon and will continue to do so.
What can you do about it?
Here’s the 10 commandments you need to know to avoid buying fake supplements on amazon:
1. Understand the gravity of this problem by reaching more about it.
2. Let the ingredient label be the primary factor in your purchase decision.
3. Do not buy products that do not CLEARLY state the amount of active ingredients.
4. Do not buy products if you don't know how much active ingredient dosing is needed to be effective, for your own safety and money.
5. Do not buy products if you’re not 100% sure of their potency as well, like the quality.
6. Do not buy products based on reviews if your not sure about #5.
7. Do not buy products with influencer and psychological advertisement trickery.
8. Do not buy from untrusted brands.
9. Do not buy products without questioning everything you just read or heard, or when you are in a hurry. Remember, this is your body, wallet, and life in question.
10. Send us a comment! We will give you an unbiased and honest opinion.
BONUS: When in complete doubts, see what Dr. Google has to say! Type in: "how much {ingredeint name} should I take per day?
Here are some tables to help you compare ingredient amounts:
1 ounce = 28349.52 milligrams, or 28 grams
1 gram = 1000 milligrams
1 fluid ounce = 1.6 tbsp, or 5.75 tsp