3 Deadly Blood Sugar Mistakes That Are Keeping You Sick
Believe It Or Not, Carbs Are Not The Problem
Let me ask you a question.
How can Italians eat pizza, pasta, and bread at nearly every single meal…
Yet if you adjust for population size, the rate of diabetes in Italy is 43% lower than in the US?
Or how about Japan?
Japan’s rate of diabetes is 36% lower than in the US, and they’re a “blue zone.”
Regions of Japan have one of the highest concentrations of centenarians, or people who live to 100, in the world…
And they have some of the lowest rates of cancer, heart disease, dementia, and diabetes…
Despite rice and noodles being staples at nearly every meal.
“Okay Dr. Rick,” You May Be Saying, “If It’s Not The Carbs, It’s Gotta Be Because Americans Eat More Sugar, Right?”
Actually… Nope!
Let me introduce you to the Hadza tribe - a group of hunter gatherers in Tanzania.
One of the things this tribe does is eat honey - and I mean like a LOT of honey.
It’s one of the Hadza tribe’s primary foods because the region is so rich in honey bee hives.
Yet diabetes is virtually non-existent there.
Nobody’s heard of high blood sugar.
And if you go to visit, you’ll notice everyone is fit…
Virtually all the men sport 6 pack abs…
And they even have great teeth, unlike what you might expect from eating all that honey.
“So what gives?” you might be asking…
“If it’s not carbs and it’s not sugar… Then why do Americans have one of the highest rates of diabetes and obesity in the world, Dr. Rick?”
Here’s the answer.
In 22 years of experience as a medical doctor, I started to notice odd, hidden patterns in how my blood sugar patients ate.
And when we researched these patterns, we discovered that there’s 3 deadly blood sugar mistakes that Americans make more than any other country.
Nearly every patient with high blood sugar was making these 3 mistakes, day after day.
And if they didn’t fix these 3 deadly blood sugar mistakes, it doesn’t matter if they did everything else right.
In other words… You can take injections and pills. You can go to the gym. You can take all the blood sugar supplements you want. But if you don’t fix these 3 blood sugar mistakes, your fasting blood glucose and A1C numbers will barely budge.
On the other hand… Those Who Fixed These 3 Blood Sugar Mistakes Saw A Huge Difference In Their Blood Sugar As Soon As The Next Morning
Let’s get into what they are now.
Mistake #1: Yellow Cooking Oils
Deadly blood sugar mistake #1 is cooking with yellow cooking oil.
Let me ask you… What color is the cooking oil in your kitchen right now?
Because if it’s yellow, pour it down the drain after you read this page…
Because these poisonous yellow cooking oils turn OFF your body’s ability to burn sugar.
I’m talking about vegetable oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, palm oil, grapeseed oil, peanut oil, and more.
Yellow vegetable oils are so poisonous, they’re BANNED in 19 European countries…
Because the process to make them involves dirty factories…
Washing the oils with toxic chemicals like caustic lye and hexane…
And superheating them to remove their disgusting smell.
These oils are made from inedible waste like seed byproducts and garbage…
Yet the big food companies turn this trash into so-called “food”…
And sell them to you as cooking oil so they can turn a profit.
If you’re wondering…
“Dr. Rick, Are Vegetable Oils Really That Bad For My Blood Sugar?”
Take a look at this graph, and you’ll understand.
Before 1941, most Americans cooked with beef tallow or butter…
And as you can see, obesity and diabetes were virtually non-existent back then.
If you look at beach pictures from back then… You’ll find most people were skinny, fit, and healthy.
But when vegetable oils hit the American food supply in the mid-20th century, obesity rates skyrocketed from 1.2% to 39.8% (which means today, 2 out of every 5 Americans are obese).
Diabetes rates went from being virtually non-existent… To increasing 28-FOLD in just 50 years.
Today, according to the CDC, over 136 million Americans have either diabetes or pre-diabetes, which is more than a third of the population.
Deadly Blood Sugar Mistake #2: Protein Starvation
Deadly blood sugar mistake #2 is what I call protein starvation.
To explain what that is… Let me share surprising facts you may not know.
Hong Kong has the highest meat consumption in the world. They also have the highest life expectancy in the world.
People there live on average to be 85 years old - which means HALF the population live to be even OLDER!
Compare that to the US… Where people live on average to be 76 years old.
France has the highest animal fat consumption in all of Europe. America has higher seed oil consumption...which is also a factor in deuterium accumulation which can make it worse.
They also have the lowest rates of heart disease.
Argentina has the highest meat consumption in all of South America. They have one of the world’s lowest rates of coronary heart disease.
India has the lowest consumption of meat in the world… And they’re one of the top countries for heart attacks - which kill an astounding 1 in 4 citizens in India.
The truth is… For Over 50 Years, Big Food Companies Have LIED To The American Public. They’ve told you that eating red meat is dangerous… That saturated fat causes heart disease… And that you get high cholesterol if you eat too many eggs.
Here’s The Truth:
Eating Meat Lowers Your Blood Sugar. It’s healthy for you. And if you don’t believe me… Just take a look at what an omelet & avocado breakfast does to your blood sugar:
Nothing - your blood sugar barely moves.
Or how about 2 egg cups with mushrooms and bell peppers:
There’s zero blood sugar spike.
Deadly Blood Sugar Mistake #3: Naked Carbs
Deadly blood sugar mistake #3 is eating naked carbs.
What are naked carbs? Let me explain.
Say you get a craving and you eat 4 green grapes as a snack.
This is what will happen to your blood sugar:
Now say you eat the same 4 grapes… but instead of eating them all on their own, you eat a piece of cheese with them.
Instead of getting a blood sugar spike, your blood sugar will look like this - much lower and more stable.
Isn’t that incredible?
This means if you want to bring your A1C and blood sugar back down to normal, healthy levels, you don’t have to eat LESS food… You don’t have to go on a crazy restricted diet where you eat 1000 calories a day… You don’t even have to CUT OUT your favorite junk food.
If you fix these 3 mistakes, you’re going to see a huge difference in your fasting glucose numbers and your A1C.
For more info checkout Dr. Cohen's supplements on PureClean Performance or buy his book The 21 Day Blood Sugar Reboot.