How to actually be healthy in three simple steps.
#1 Eat unprocessed foods!
If you eat processed foods, don't even BOTHER about EXERCISING, you are WASTING your time. 80% of your body and healthy is determined by what you eat. Articles like this about burning body fat reinforce the wrong mindset and strategy; it's not more what you eat, it is what you DO NOT EAT.
#2. Eliminate visceral organ fat (body fat is okay!).
While there can be some individual issues, this very heavily directly relates back to point #1! Good news is that it takes about 6 months of SIMPLY NOT eating processed foods (and drinks) to slim down that visceral fat to a healthy level, and that is all without exercising! Yes, that is right, you can have subcutaneous fat from a health and longevity standpoint; you can look fat on the outside but not on the inside!
#3. Have a good amount of muscle and keep as much of your muscle on as you age as you can and do basic movements and activities!
Sorry endurance, "slim to win" sports, vegan and hard to keep muscle vegetarian diets, and calorie restrictors (which is really bad by the way). Once you loose muscle, espceially with age, you cannot get it back and you NEED muscle for health and longevity. Muscle keeps you young, keeps you strong and protects against illness and injury, and in general protects and supercharges your body. And other things.
Health is way overcomplicated. On a base level, new research is pointing to that these are the three things you only need to do for a long and healthy life.
Think you can do it?
What excuse can you make? Only 5% of the people in America do not make health excuses on this issue, are you one of them?
Health is achievable by almost anyone on the planet according to these standards.
Just do it.
Still think health and longevity is hard?
These three rules make health really easy. It is not true you are forever to follow in the same "genetic" fate as your parents, this is proven wrong. It is not true all you can do is eat "cheap" because healthy is "too expensive", that's lazy, that's not knowing what to do and calling it good and taking the easy way out, and/or not wanting to change talking. It is not true, you cannot achieve your health and longevity goals with great pain and expensive, actually it is so easy with these three steps!
Share this post with the people in your life who would find this interesting or who needs a wake up call.
On this health is expensive issue (a major excuse): According to Consumer Reports, grass-fed beef costs an average of $2.50 more per pound than conventional supermarket beef. REALLY? Can you not afford $2.50!? If you are reading this, chances are you can. Not only this, organic food is more expensive by little, but conventional prices are catching up really fast. This isn't even to mention that costs savings of eating healthy. Do you know what Harvard University is? Okay, then last point: Eating healthy vs. unhealthy diet costs about $1.50 more per day, according to Hardvard University.