Whether you’ve been active or have stepped back and “let life get in the way” of your fitness and workout routine, you can get back into it, if you’re committed.
While there was a time when I wasn’t quite as active as I wanted to be, I continued to follow PureClean Performance protocols. These protocols focus on optimizing your body’s nitric oxide and essential amino acid levels. During my time of relative inactivity, I still continued to support my telomere health with a telomerase-activating formula, “Live Long”, as well.
It was a visit by friends and a desire to take the demanding hike up the Santa Barbara hills that had me wondering, how I would perform and recover – even though I knew I was more than up for the challenge itself.
The Santa Barbara Hills Challenge
For anyone who knows the area, getting off the beaten path in Santa Barbara, means you’re taking an off-the-beaten-path hike at Cabrillo Street and the Beachway along the water front; this requires straight-up-the-hill hiking.
We were short on time and chose the Buena Vista Trail that climbs almost 900 feet in a mile. I’ve done this hike many times in the past… when I was more routinely active and even then, I was a little out of breath on certain sections. I was a little concerned I wouldn’t make it to the top.
I did it!
I didn’t have the same bounce in my step as I had previous times, but the climb was surprisingly easy. I was equally surprised I had absolutely no soreness later that night or the next day.
What are the take-aways from this?
- Physical activity becomes easier when you optimize your nitric oxide level with the daily use of our high-nitrate Pure Clean (beet juice) Beet.
- Recovery is faster and more complete when you use FundAminos, our comprehensive essential amino acid formula that is 99% utilized by the body for cellular energy and repair. Ten grams of FundAminos is equivalent to over 40 grams of dietary protein; a serving contains less than ten 10 calories.
- Restoring and supporting your telomeres really turns back the clock. Remember what it was like when you were in your early 20’s and you could quickly recover from almost anything? That’s how I feel when using Core 4 Nutrition's Live Long formula (there are a sister company to us).
While the cost and commitment of a telomerase-activating formula like Live Long may not be for everyone, using Pure Clean Beet and FundAminos is an affordable option for almost everyone.
How can you incorporate these formulas into your daily life to help you more quickly recover from a workout?