Jackie Cruickshank Cohen has been a health entrepreneur, educator, and coach for more than 25 years. Her passion for helping women eat, move, and live well stems from the early training she received at the Mind Body Medical Institute under the direction of Herbert Benson, M.D. As a specialist in women’s health and performance coaching, Jackie is certified by Precision Nutrition, the Primal Health Coach Institute, and ph360. Jackie has been a competitive athlete since the age of 12. And almost 45 years later, she still competes as a USA Triathlon and US Track and Field All American, and as USAC category 1/2 cyclist.
She founded the Performance Prescription to help active women of all ages and abilities tap into their true potential for optimal health and performance. Get Back in the Game is her first book and her wisdom has been helping all types professionals (from cooperate positions to playing field) get back in the game!
➡️Why women need to eat, drink, and move differently than men.
➡️How making a few, simple dietary changes can lead to a long-term solution for big changes.
➡️How women can sleep their way to better health, athletic performance, and complete recovery.
➡️How women can benefit from the use of wearable, health-tracking technology— not overly analytical.
➡️How women can assess the functional health of their thyroid and adrenal glands, no laboratory testing.
➡️Why healthy cells form the foundation of a healthy body and determine a woman’s overall performance.
➡️What anatomical differences influence female digestion and how these imbalances can compromise their body.

Stronger Immunity

Resistance to Injury

Improved Performance

Greater Energy

More Restful Sleep

Less Stress

Fewer Food Cravings

Better Digestion
Featured Reviews
A Must Read for Fathers, Sons, Husbands Too!
I have athletic daughters (all adults now) and found this book extremely helpful in explaining the differences between male and female athletes and what approaches need to be tailored to the female anatomy at various stages in a woman's life as an athlete, from young to old, from puberty to menopause. I think a lot of the content would apply generally to all women, not just athletes. I am not here to mansplain...Just to make sure that readers understand that most of the content you will find on youtube, podcasts, etc. is geared towards males since the research is based on male study groups. Jackie delivers the data and analysis on women and for women. We need more of this in the broader medical and athletic communities. For better performance, a healthier lifestyle and overall understanding for woman's athletics and performance, please read this great book by Jackie Cruickshank Cohen! One of the things I really enjoyed was presentation of the content. This is a good read for both the already-initiated and the first-time-curious on wholistic medicine and detoxing from "modern life". There are many references, cross-references and outside resources as well. This book is kind of like a launching pad to find even more information and to synthesize best practices on food, medicine, sleep, training, and more. If you are someone who does tend to track medical AMAs and podcasts, this will resonate with you too, especially for the focus on what women need. I look forward to more content from Jackie! To all of you - Live your best life!
This is a must have for every female athlete.
I am a female runner, hiker and mountain biker who exercises for enjoyment. Thanks to this book I will be exercising well past my current middle age into my old age. Why? Get Back in the game is a comprehensive scientifically researched book entirely dedicated to women. It is unique in that way. This uniqueness is crucial as we women train to become faster, stronger and injury free. I not only learned what to do and not do but learned the reasons behind it all that are unique to being female. The explanation of physiology is accessible and ready for instant application. Jackie Cohen addresses the whole person and how all of the systems work together to create speed and strength specifically for women. I have read books that touch on these topics but never before had in hand such a comprehensive guide as this that will serve as reference to come back to again and again. This book screams, "You go Girl!!!"