Top 100 Easy Health and Performance Tips
2. Support your body with high quality supplements
4. Listen to music that pumps you up, like this song and like this one
6. Know who you are with ph 360
10. Switch up your training programs
11. Learn something new everyday
12. Sprint fast
13. Leavy heavy things, even if you do primarily endurance
14. Meditate
15. Avoid sugar
17. Chew your food 32 times before swallowing
18. Sunbathe
19. Laugh
21. Do HIIT
22. Try the Wim Hof Method or learn some other breathing technique
25. Learn to visualize success
26. Better understand the role of carbs
27. Eat more protein
29. Stay hydrated
30. Give blood, decrease unhealthy iron levels with age
31. Eat healthy fats
37. Craft your life the way you want it
39. Avoid toxic/poisonous things
40. Fail, fail, fail and still be confident
42. Test your brain age with Brain Gauge
44. Try hydrotherapy (like a cold shower)
45. Get a hot tub
46. Try cryotherapy
48. Get a dog
50. Try a new sport
51. Play video games
52. Live at high elevation, train at low elevation
53. Make movement a natural part of your day
55. Check your telomerase status
56. Low dose nicotine or other nootropics
57. Avoid EMFs
59. Try blood flow resistance training
61. Diagnose hidden health issues
63. Have fun
64. Eliminate chronic inflammation inside the body
66. Find a helpful health mentor/expert
67. Find a helpful performance coach/expert
68. Find a good resource for latest health and performance research
69. Do yoga
71. Don’t eat 4 hrs before bed
72. No screen time 2hrs before bed
73. Eat organic
76. Take a nap
78. Try sports psychology training
79. Say no to artificial ingredients
82. Practice holding your breath
83. Do not be a mouth breather
84. Download f.lux
85. Make sure your home is mold free
89. Boost your immune system with antioxidants
92. Learn to play an instrument
93. Motivate yourself; remember your mission
95. Limit histamine, know your allergies
96. Try a weekly B12 subcutaneous vitamin injection
98. Buy a TRX
100. Send us an email, we have the answers you are looking for!
102. Use grape seed oil
103. Get your house water tested
104. Learn heart rate variability training
105. Know when you are overtraining
106. Learn about the PureClean Performance formulas and try a few