21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot Book by Dr. Cohen Review
Before You Ask, I Just Want to Assure You...
This is not a scam or a gimmick. You can look up my name, Dr. Rick Cohen, and you’ll see that I am an accredited medical doctor who’s worked at the Cambridge Center for Holistic Health in Boston... and graduated from Duke University.
Paleohacks, the company that Kinsey Jackson and I are advisors for, is a top-rated health & wellness company with thousands of happy customers. Take a look for yourself:
“My fasting glucose is already down significantly…”
“The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot has taught me how to eat and live a healthier life. I have been living Dr. Rick's program for about a week now, and my fasting glucose is already down significantly. To tell you the truth, this has been a huge weight off of my family's shoulders and myself. Going over Dr. Rick's program, there aren't gimmicks in his program. The program breaks down everything to a T. Eating good, healthy foods with Dr. Rick's 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot is the best decision that, as a family, we believe that I have made for myself and for all of us.”
“My fasting glucose went down 12 points in the morning…”
“I'm a single mom, and I work full time as well as having a side hustle-type business. In the last six months, my health has been a concern to me, and so I've been working on that. But the part that's been a real struggle for me is eating right, especially sugar addiction. I am so into sugar, like I think about it constantly. And so I've been looking for a program that would help me reduce my sugar intake, and I found one. It was called the 21-Day [Blood] Sugar Reboot, and I thought it was gonna be a gimmick, but ended up not being. My fasting glucose went down 12 points in the morning. That's the only one I keep, so that's all I know. But the biggest bonus has been the energy boost. Oh my gosh! I'm so busy that the energy boost has just been amazing for me. It's been life-changing, honestly.”
Now as I’ve said, you stumbled upon this page at exactly the right time. Our doors are still open for this low-priced offer… But if you click away, I cannot guarantee this will still be the case when you come back. I have no idea how much longer we’ll keep the price this low… and I have no idea how close we are to our 500 customer cap today. That’s why if you click away, this page could disappear… and you may not get an opportunity to join in the future.
If You’re Interested At All, Go Ahead And Click The Link Below To Join The 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot Now
Get the 21-Day Blood Sugar Reboot Now
Before I Say Goodbye, I Want to Leave You with the Cold, Hard Truth
On the one hand, you could click away from this page and try to deal with your diabetes, pre-diabetes, or high blood sugar on your own. If you decide to take that route… I truly do wish you the best of luck - and I hope you’re able to beat this on your own. If you ask me, here’s what I’ve seen from my experience.
You can keep taking your medication and your insulin - which are designed to manage, not cure, diabetes. You can take all the supplements you want. You can do all of these things…
High Blood Sugar Is Like A Ticking Time Bomb
If you have to pee a lot at night… if you’re thirsty a lot… if you have intense cravings, blurry vision, numb or tingling hands or feet, dry skin, or sores that heal slowly… You already have many dangerous warning signs.
If you don’t fix them, it could easily turn into bad situations I don’t wish on anyone. I’ve seen people go blind from retinopathy due to high blood sugar… I’ve seen people get their leg amputated below the knee… And I’ve seen far too many heart attacks and strokes.
Which is why I urge you today:
If you or a loved one is dealing with diabetes, pre-diabetes, or high blood sugar today… Don’t pass up this opportunity.
I’ve made it as easy as possible to say yes.