Coaches Corner
Monday Motivation: Inspirational Stories in The Heart of an Athlete (Installment #5: Ethan Cohen, Baseball)
Welcome to the brand new series The Heart of an Athlete. Where you get an inside look into the lives and minds of the best athletes
Ben Greenfield’s Sauna Workout
Do you need to workout in a sauna for magic benefits, or even at all? Absolut not. Saunas are a thousand year-old health and wellness tool everyone can benefit from, the point is to sit there and use it!
The Heart of an Athlete (Lidia Kormondi, Karate)
Lídia Körmöndi, European Cup Karate gold medalist. She shares how YOU can win a fight, her top tips for athletic success, backward names and other peculiarities of the Hungarian language, taking (and giving) dirty punches, the power of love, her superhero catch phrase, and even more!
How Does Caffeine Impact My Glucose?
How Does Caffeine Impact My Glucose? Thanks to SuperSapiens for providing us this scientific take on coffee and health, fitness, and performance. The quick 3 second upshot? Coffee or caffeine is a great SHORT TERM ergogenic aid (a good thing) for your performance, metabolism, and glucose regulation! However, this article passes on any solutions for avoiding the negative effects of the consumption of caffeine and the risks of caffeine tolerance, dependence, and so on;. Caffeine is essentially an unregulated drug, when we peel back the paint. Isolated caffeine, FYI, is the WROST type of caffeine for your health;...