Life Elevated

Inflammation 101

Inflammation 101

Inflammation 101 What is inflammation? We all know it best by redness, swelling, and pain. But contrary to popular belief, inflammation isn't caused by red blood cells. It's actually primarily caused by white blood cells, which means inflammation is an immune response. Why do we have inflammation? It is very helpful for fighting bacteria and viruses and healing and "cleaning up" damaged parts of the body. It starts when chemicals from your body's white blood cells increase the blood flow to the area of injury or infection. Some of the chemicals may even cause fluid to leak into your tissues,...

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Random Health and Fitness Questions on Quora Answered

Random Health and Fitness Questions on Quora Answered

Who doesn't love a Q&A session? Especially when it comes to answering all your health and fitness questions. Enjoy!

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Why you still might not be healthy even if you eat well and exercise

Why you still might not be healthy even if you eat well and exercise

Are you really as healthy as you think you are? What could you possibly be doing that’s hurting your health, performance, and fitness even though you treat your body like a temple? Here are the top five errors you may be committing:

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Healthy Tuna Lunch Recipe

Healthy Tuna Lunch Recipe

Healthy Tuna Lunch Recipe Comes with a bit of a Mediterranean flair! Enjoy! 1 can of safe catch tuna 3 tsp of quinoa 2 tbsp avocado mayo A little olive oil Mix it Handful cilantro 3 Greek peperoncini Some garlic stuffed olives Sprinkle shredded parmesan Eat it

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