Coaches Corner

Are You Eating Enough? The Symptoms of Negative Energy Imbalance

Are You Eating Enough? The Symptoms of Negative Energy Imbalance

Despite the rise (and inevitable fall) of any given dietary trend, it’s important to realize that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all formula for eating "right."  

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Fat Loss and Protein Intake

Fat Loss and Protein Intake

If becoming "leaner and meaner" is at the top of your summer "to do" list, you might want to consider increasing your protein intake. Many weight loss studies have shown that men and women who follow higher protein diets lose significantly more body weight. Higher protein diet also help with weight maintenance.

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Tips to Improve Your Stress Resiliency

Tips to Improve Your Stress Resiliency

Medical research indicates that chronic stress plays a key role in the development of 95% of all degenerative diseases. So managing and mitigating stress should be a top priority for anyone who wants to live to a longer, healthier, happier and more productive life.

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4 x 4: Taking Strength Training Up a Notch

4 x 4: Taking Strength Training Up a Notch

This week, we’ll focus on two facets of strength training that you can utilize to move the needle forward: 4 Moves Every Athlete Should Master & 4 Ways to Up Your At-Home Sessions

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