Life Elevated

Everything About Magnesium Topical Spray in 3 Minutes or Less

Everything About Magnesium Topical Spray in 3 Minutes or Less

Magnesium is a mineral that's crucial to the body's function. Magnesium helps keep blood pressure normal, bones strong, and the heart rhythm steady. Why does the root cause protocol use magnesium?

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Concentrate Trace Mineral Drops in 3 Minutes or Less (Plus: The best trance mineral drops)

Concentrate Trace Mineral Drops in 3 Minutes or Less (Plus: The best trance mineral drops)

An easy way to put the trace minerals our bodies are lacking back into our diets in a bioavailable form. This supplement can also support the intricate electrical system of the body and gives the body the minerals it needs to feel healthy and energized. It's also a foundation supplement of the root cause protocol.

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Jigsaw Adrenal Cocktail Worth It?

Jigsaw Adrenal Cocktail Worth It?

Conquer the day with an adrenal cocktail. A great 1 stop resource for your adrenal cocktail questions. and curiosities. Why does the root cause protocol use the adrenal cocktail?

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Boron: A Mineral that can do so much for chronic illness?

Boron: A Mineral that can do so much for chronic illness?

Yet another resource that helps explain the Root Cause Protocol a bit further to help you understand exactly what it aims to achieve and how it works. For more information on the Root Cause Protocol go here. Original article here. Check out also some Root Cause Protocol Reviews.

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